I swear the one time I myself contributed to the death of an animal it was entirely unintentional and I felt horribly about it. But for some reason I can't get my outrage going for this story about NFL quarterback Michael Vick operating some sort of dog fighting ring on his Virginia property. It surprises me a little with all the terrible things that happen every day in this world that this particular action has provoked such passion from people and attention from the media.
Don't get me wrong. I do understand that this activity is cruel to animals. I agree that it should be stopped and there should be penalties involved, but I don't know if I need Michael Vick to lose his career and his freedom for this action. This is probably the wrong thing to say since everyone is jumping on the bandwagon to throw the book at Vick, but that seems a bit harsh maybe.
What this does show me, if it is true, is that Vick is probably a man of little character and from that viewpoint it will be no great loss if he is thrown in jail for his crimes. I just won't be all upset personally if he isn't.I do agree with the companies like Nike and Donruss and others that are dumping him as an endorser as I no longer believe he is useful as a commercial spokesperson. No one wants to hold up the dog killer as a person you should emulate by using their favorite products. And there should no doubt be criminal penalties involved if the charges are proven. My feeling is a fine equal to the value of the property he used for this plus the amount he profited from the activity. Then he should of course do some sort of community work for some animal related cause, the Humane Society or something. And give him probation for a lengthy period where if he does anything else that warrants jail time you could add on some. I am all for double punishing any fool who would piss away a multi-million dollar career twice.
But in the end it doesn't really matter to me and I am not sure why. I feel like I should be more upset by this but I'm not. Michael Vick could get six years in prison and if he killed those dogs in the cruel way described in some reports I would be OK with that. I would not protest or anything. But at the same time the NFL could allow him back on the practice field tomorrow and I would be OK with that also. If the penalty doesn't end up with him incarcerated, why shouldn't he play football if a team wants him. But Senator Byrd would probably disagree with me.
But keep in mind this is what the good Senator does when not speaking in Congress.
BO KNOWS when I first read that there was something called the One Man Star Wars Show coming to one of the local theatres I thought it was the most ridiculous thing I had ever heard. I liked Star Wars, but the idea of a guy on stage basically recreating the scenes from the first three films over the course of a little over an hour, by himself, didn't seem very entertaining. It seemed so silly I had to look into what it was about and I have to admit after seeing some reviews and clips on the internet now I just want to round up some Star Wars geeks have a few beers and check it out.
BO KNOWS I was excited when I first read about a large new state of the art regional library going in near my house. I use the library system frequently and my son likes to go and having a nice new larger library would be nice. But it now appears the project is dependent on the approval of a new library tax district. And while supporters did manage to get enough signatures to force the issue onto the ballot the decision will now be up to voters. Hmmm ...voters will decide whether to raise their own taxes. Good-bye library.
BO KNOWS there a many places I would like to see in my life but only a few specific events. I want to attend at least one Super Bowl. I want to be in Vegas during the first weekend of the NCAA tournament at least once. And now I want to go to Comic-Con. The title suggests it is a convention for comic book geeks but it has grown into this huge celebration of comics, movies, and video games which attracts thousands of visitors and more and more mainstream press attention. Many of the "geeks" go all out with costumes of their favorite characters and such. It looks like a lot of fun. Where else could you see sights like this.


BO KNOWS in all the Simpsons hype I have come across an interesting internet site promoted by Burger King called http://simpsonizeme.com/# the idea is they will take a photo of you and make you a Simpsons character. Problem is the site is frustrating me by refusing to Simpsonize me despite repeated attempts. If anyone can get this thing to work let me know how you do it. If not talk to you next week.