Is Our Children Learning?
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Is Our Children Learning?
Saturday, September 22, 2007
So my fantasy football team is horrible and their appears to be no way to solve this problem so I must seek other diversions, so what luck that the new fall TV schedule really gets going this week. TIVO is both a blessing and a curse as it allows me to watch TV on my own schedule which would be impossible with my three year old. The problem is I record more shows than it will ever be humanly possible for me to watch so here is a quick look at the shows I will be recording that will continue to prevent me from ever seeing the many episodes of The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, and PTI that already fill my DVRs memory. So here is what I will be doing until Lost returns in February.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Let us start today with an apology to Rich Brooks. Coach I was one of the naysayers who believed you would never get it done at UK. In fact for the good of the program I love I was hoping you and your athletic director would be relieved of your duties. But today is your day so I give it to you. What a great win last night. The bottom line in sports is kept on the scoreboard and you got the job done. I thought you were too old to recruit in the SEC but you bring in better and better players with each class. I thought moving the Louisville game was a pathetic ploy, but it worked in your favor. I will now shut up and do what a fan should do, I will pull for your teams for as long as you are around. Good Luck coach.
To get off football for a moment and on to another favorite American past time. television. The Emmy awards are tonight and while as an educator I should probably be telling everyone to turn off the TV and pick up a book or something, the truth is I love television. So here are my picks for tonight's show with one rule. I will not pick anyone from a show I don't watch.
REALITY SERIES-Really do we need this category. I know it has become more and more popular and the networks love it because despite the prize money it is cheaper to produce than real TV, but do we have to reward it. Well OK I think Idol and Dancing will be dismissed by voters despite their popularity so that cuts out everything I have seen. My wife watches Top Chef marathons on the weekend so I have briefly caught pieces of it. It is not totally ridiculous so MY PICK Top Chef REAL WINNER Amazing Race
SUPPORTING ACTRESS COMEDY My wife loves Two and a Half Men, but seriously two nominees from that show. I only regularly view two of the nominees and while I love the OFFICE and Jenna Fischer is great in it Jaime Pressly is the best thing about My Name is Earl. She has come along way from The Jerry Springer Movie. MY PICK Pressly REAL WINNER Vanessa Williams I have never seen Ugly Betty but the press seems to love the show and Williams.
SUPPORTING ACTOR COMEDY Kevin Dillon is about the only thing evenly remotely entetaining about Entourage anymore but Rainn Wilson plays one of the funniest characters on TV on what I think is the funniest show on TV. MY PICK AND THE WINNER Rainn Wilson
LEAD ACTRESS COMEDY By my rules I have only one choice for my pick because Desperate Housewives is the only show on the list I have seen on a regular basis. But let me say this I totally disagree with the fact they insist during awards season this is a comedy. I think it is a strategic move to steer clear of dramatic shows they can't beat for awards. So MY PICK is Felicity Huffman who is a fine actress but I think the REAL WINNER will be Mary Louise Parker for Weeds ( I don't have Showtime so I haven's seen it but let me say I was in love with Ms. Parker when she was on The West Wing)
LEAD ACTOR COMEDY I absolutely love Steve Carrell on The Office. I think he is hilarious and he is MY PICK Carell but I think the REAL WINNER will be Baldwin for 30 Rock which is probably the one show I regret not putting on the Season Pass last season.
COMEDY SERIES MY PICK The Office may be my favorite show right now in all of television but I think I will be disgusted when the REAL WINNER Two and a Half men claims their prize.
SUPPRTING ACTRESS DRAMA Seriously what did Aida Turturro have on the last season of the Sopranos like two scenes. Why is she nominated? I always thought she was the one thing that did not work in that show. Every scene she was in annoyed me. I know Grey's Anatomy is the popular darling but three nominations is a bit much for what was their worst season by far. With that said I think it comes down to Chandra Wilson from Grey's and another actress I loved last season Rachel Griffiths from Brothers and Sisters. I believe she will have more chances in the coming years. MY PICK and THE WINNER Wilson
SUPPORTING ACTOR DRAMA I think Michael Emerson from Lost was absolutely creepy in his role as ben and then on the last episode he made me doubt whether Jack was doing the right thing by not listening to him. A good performance but MY PICK Masi Oka was the piece that made Heroes work I think. Unfortunately I predict THE REAL WINNER to be William Shatner.
LEAD ACTRESS DRAMA I love Edie Falco on the Sopranos but as a whole I think the final season wasn't her best showcase. MY PICK Sally Field returned to TV as a casting change was needed and did a great job as the tortured widow on Brothers and Sisters. For some reason I just feel the REAL WINNER will be Kyra Sedgwick for a crticaly acclaimed cable show I have never seen but seems to get more press than all of these other shows except The Sopranos. My real pick Connie Britton is not nominated for what I think was the best performance of the year on Friday Night Lights. WATCH FRIDAY LIGHT NIGHTS 9 pm FRIDAYS on NBC
LEAD ACTOR DRAMA If you want to give the Sopranos a farewell gift this is the one to give them. James Gandolfini may have ruined his career by playing the role of a lifetime and becoming Tony Soprano. Can we ever see him as someone else? MY PICK and the WINNER Gandolfini
DRAMA SERIES The Sopranos was great but this is not a lifetime achievment award. Grey's Anatomy lost its way and should not be rewarded for keeping viewers in spite of itself. Seriously was meredith dead for like two episodes while they worked to do what we all knew they had to do anyway. She is the freaking title character wake her up already and lets move on. It is not suspense when you know how it ends. I have never seen House and while I enjoy Boston Legal my DVR is so crowded it didn't even make my list. My pick iks Heroes one of only two shows I never save for another night. I have to see it on the day it airs how ever latge I must stay up. (The other is Lost) MY PICK HEROES REAL WINNER SOPRANOS
Bo goes 3-2 last week in a solid but unspectacular start. On to Week 2.
BO KNOWS Brady faces tougher comp this week but fantasy number wise it looks to be his best season. Jackson and Jones-Drew can't have as bad a week as they had last week so The Gang will take out the Griz who will drop to 0-2.
BO KNOWS The Giants must have looked so crappy on D last week that after seeing them live The Juice owner had to start Favre this week. That said Kitna is the most underrated fantasy QB in the league and Deuce and Marvin Harrison are seeing most of their chances go to someone else. The Cheese goes 2-0.
BO KNOWS there is no way the Vikings D puts up those numbers again but after what Manning and Wayne do to Tennessee they won't have to for the Bs to win again.
BO KNOWS the Sith swiped Ward off the waiver wire in a good move( damn you sith) but Moss, Gates, and the bears D will be the keys for the All Stars if they can continue their production all season this Cutler at QB thing might just work out. IPS WINS
BO KNOWS the key to our last game this weel is the KC-Bears game. Against KC Benson can't possibly look as terrible as he did last week and against the bears Johnson is put for a tough day. That and the fact that Palmer should shred the Browns points to a Bitches win.
We end with a message for The Griz. Have a good Week 2.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
So this week it will be six years since I stood in the front lobby of NBA City in Orlando, Florida on what was supposed to be the last morning of my honeymoon, wanting to get a picture taken in front of a blue screen where they would then place images of Shaq and Kobe, when on the TV above the gift shop counter I watched as the first World Trade Center tower collapsed to the ground. I remember the place was mostly empty. Just my wife and I and one or two employees watching that little TV and I can't remember anyone saying much of anything.
We waited and paid for my silly little picture and then went back to a bus where we found out we wouldn't be leaving that day and so we hurried back to the hotel we had checked out of to see what we were going to do. In a pointless sidenote just let me say I can not say enough good things about the way Disney handled this situation. A company that to some has become THE example of the capitalist greed Bin Laden rants against, overpricing every item in The Happiest Place on Earth and cranking out crappy straight to video sequels to their films, had hundreds if not thousands of people stranded with no way home. Instead of banking the hundreds of dollars I would have had no choice but to spend they put me up in a room for three more days, unlocked my phone so I could make unlimited long distance calls, and gave me another day of tickets to the theme parks, without charging me a dime.
On the other hand some of my fellow Americans returned to the hotel complaining loudly to the staff about the theme park being closed for the day. This event was going to ruin their vacation. People make me sick.
So six years later I am sitting on my couch having carelessly folded back a NewsWeek I was reading when my three year old says EEEWWWW! What happened to that girl? And I turn the magazine over to see a little Iraqi girl with stitches all over her face and a patch on her eye in front of the rubble that probably used to be her home. And I wish he hadn't seen the picture and I have a question of my own. Why did that happen to that girl? And I wonder how we get from this three year old who showed obvious concern for what to him was just another kid, to my 17 year olds at school, a great number of whose theory on the Middle East is "nuke them all". And I wonder do they even think about what they are saying. And do they know what a nuke does, or that there are little girls there, or are they just worried some international incident will ruin their next vacation.
Meanwhile, we continue a seemingly unending war in a country that has no connection at all to the event that started this whole mess six years ago. Are there any Americans left outside the West Wing that think being in Iraq is in any way making life safer for Americans? The Democrats won control of Congress mostly based on this issue and have made absolutely no progress in resolving it. In fact they have seemed so completely impotent with their new power that they may just allow a Republican to sneak up and take the next election, something that seemed impossible at the time of the mid terms. And they have convinced many like myself that it probably won't make a difference anyway. (Prediction: if Obama doesn't swallow his pride and take the second spot on the ticket with Hilary it could definitely end up Thompson/Another old white guy in 08) Oh and the guy that started it all is safe and sound and released a new video this week. He is apparently hiding out near a drug store where he picked up some Just for Men and combed the gray out of that scraggly beard. He wants us all to embrace Islam. And looking at how this has all gone down over the last six years only one thought comes to mind. EEEWWWWW!
BO KNOWS she is hoping for a big comeback. But my prediction is Britney Spears buries her career for good tonight at the MTV awards show. She had a good run. I hope she saved her money.
BO KNOWS it is probably a useless plea but if you haven't seen the first season of Friday Night Lights it is out on DVD and I believe at a good price of 19.99. I urge you to give it a look if only because I hope you will get hooked and somehow the show will survive through season 2, but I am not getting my hopes up. If any Nielsen families see this if you are going to go out and not watch TV on Friday nights would it be too much to ask you to leave your TV turned on to NBC. It helps scare burglars away.
BO KNOWS that the media is trying to make a big deal about this competition between Kanye and 50 Cent on Tuesday, with 50 claiming he will retire if Kanye outsells him. But is hip hop officially dead when Kenny Chesney outsells them both.
The season has begun and it seems a little late to critique draft day but giving it a quick glance just let me say I think Ben may have come out the best. I like that he ended up with an underrated fantasy QB late, two solid wide receivers to start and three starting running backs that probably won't share their carries.
BO KNOWS Addai got them off to a good start and The James Gang's receivers look to be the problem again this year so The Cheese will win in week one.
BO KNOWS I am not sold on Jones and Westbrook at RB but both will score more than Deuce did and I think Young will struggle against the Jags so I go to the dark side and take the Sith this week.
BO KNOWS this pick shouldn't count after Thursday but after Manning and Wayne showed up and Bush didn't I have to go with the Bs this week.
BO KNOWS Ross gets bonus points for returning to his former portliness and for that logo so I will go with the Dullards this week.
BO KNOWS unfortunately for the Bitches her best weapons go against the league's best Ds this week so I will take the Griz based on the match-ups