Two year old Avery Denzinger is going to grow up without her daddy. Her father Frank was buried yesterday after being shot and killed while trying to do his job. Frank was a sheriff's deputy who responded to a domestic violence call and was gunned down by a 15 year old kid, who shot Deputy Denzinger in the back from his bedroom window, and then reported his deed on his myspace page before killing himself. And the only question anyone can ask is WHY?
Why did a kid who was scheduled for a hearing in court the next day on a drug charge still have a computer and internet access in his bedroom? If my children ever are required to appear in court on any kind of charge while they are still under my roof they are going to be hoping for jail because at least there you have cable television.
Why in a house where arguments became so intense that officers had to be called to the home to calm disputes several times, did a teenager have access to a loaded weapon? If you have so little control over your kid that you sometimes have to have police back-up don't you think perhaps it would be wise to disarm them.
I don't mean to pile on the family of this kid who I am sure feel awful about what happened and will be burying their own son soon, but it just happens too often that innocent people and their families are being destroyed by these troubled souls and I am not sure feeling bad after the fact is enough anymore. Why can't we stop this?
Why do these people who for whatever reason decide to end their own lives have to destroy other lives along the way? Why do they find it so easy to throw away human life? No reason is good enough for me anymore. They make the choice to kill and especially in cases where they have no relationship with their victims we need to stop justifying it. I don't care if kids picked on them. I don't care if their daddy didn't love them. I just don't care.
I think what made me so angry was when I was reading about this story on they had a link to the shooter's myspace page and on it were all these messages from kids writing about what a great guy this kid was and how the media was getting it all wrong. The only mention of the incident seemed to be references to the "choice" he had made. The "choice" he made was to shoot an innocent father in the back and then inform his friends about it on the internet. When he made this "choice" Tyler Dumstorf became a murderer. And then he took the easy way out so that when Avery Denzinger grows up there won't be anybody to answer WHY?
BO KNOWS that prior to any marriage a full season of 48 Hours Mystery should be required viewing. I think if more people watched this show they would realize when you kill your spouse/significant other you will get caught. How many times is this going to happen before people wise up? I knew the first time I saw the story of missing Jessie Davis the boyfriend would end up the killer and today they arrested him. How stupid can you be? You can't get away with a crime where you are automatically the #1 suspect. Haven't these people ever heard the old saying " Women, can't live with them, Can't kill them without getting arrested."
BO KNOWS despite attempts to create some drama for this Tuesday's NBA draft Greg Oden is going to be the first pick.
BO KNOWS how to solve the Lakers problems. It is obvious now that Kobe is running down his teammates to complete strangers in mall parking lots that this is not going to work. ESPN's Ric Bucher who seems to have become the accepted authority on Bryant said on a Podcast the other night that there was zero percent chance Kobe would open the season as a Laker. So I say we blow the whole thing up and start over. We trade Odom, Bynum, and Farmar to the Nets for Jason Kidd. (I know the Nets say they are keeping him but teams always say that). We trade Kobe in a three way deal that sends him to Chicago, sends a package of Bulls and our number 19 pick to Minnesota and brings Kevin Garnett and the number 7 pick to LA. (I would really like to deal him and 19 straight to Minnesota for KG and 7 but what Kobe fails to mention in his trade demand is that he has a no trade clause which allows him to veto any deal. So why he claims to want out of LA, really he is only going to accept deals that send him to Chicago, Phoenix or Dallas making it almost impossible for the Lakers to get fair value.) With the seven pick the Lakers take Cory Brewer. This would give us a starting line-up of Kidd, Brewer, Walton, KG and Mihm/Brown. It gives us two superstars to sell tickets and we can make a three year run at which time we would have two aging veterans with huge expiring contracts and if they can't win we hold on to the cap room to sign free agents. There will be some big names available around this time, LeBron, Wade possibly Durant and Oden.
BO KNOWS despite brutal reviews Evan Almighty will be a huge money maker. Steve Carrell (shown here as depicted in the Office video game) is one of the most popular stars around and the animal angle makes it seem like an OK movie for kids, That combination should guarantee success although I still question 175 million dollar budget for a comedy.
BO KNOWS people are desperate to lose weight without doing the required dieting and exercising, but what risks are they really willing to take. There is a multi-million dollar ad campaign going on to promote some new diet drug called Alli. The drug stops your body from absorbing much of the fat you consume. There is however according to some reports the small chance you will experience a side effect they are calling "leakage". Now I think two of the major reasons people want to lose weight is to look good or to feel more confident. I think any benefits I would get in either area would be negated by the fact that I could crap my pants at any moment. I think this will be a problem. Talk to you next week.