It has been a long time since I have posted any thoughts but I thought it would be good to get back into the swing. Since I created this blog to write to my fantasy football crew and I will get back to doing that once the season starts it will be my intent to post something each Sunday morning. If you would like to check it out please do so and if not that is OK too as I really just feel an urge to get back to writing something even if only I read it. I think I will write about one main idea each week and then put a few random thoughts at the end keeping with the BO KNOWS theme so here we go with a topic I must address even though I am late ---KOBE BRYANT
As most of you know because it was all over the news a few weeks back Kobe Bryant demanded a trade or declared he never wanted to leave LA depending on what time of day you were listening to the radio. I know he is probably the greatest talent playing the game today, but I have had enough of this guy. Let us face the truth, ever since he got away with rape you have to feel a little dirty pulling for this guy. Not to mention what is more important to me as far as watching basketball is he is just a bad teammate who plays the game selfishly and takes a lot of the fun out of rooting for a team I have loved since way before he came around. Things just haven't felt right since Dr. Buss traded an upstanding citizen to another city where he won a title, and kept this piece of shit who can't get us out of the first round and now after wanting so badly to be the man wants out to play for a better team. Are you kidding me? I have just one comment to that. Good Riddance. I would offer him to Portland or Seattle for the number one or number two pick and when they wisely decline the offer I would trade him straight up to Minnesota for Garnett. We won't be any better but we will be better off.
BO KNOWS the Soprano finale will be great tonight, but I really have no clue what they will do. I am a little upset I will be away at a basketball camp and won't get to see it. What are the chances I can make it home without finding out what happened. Everyone is making predictions so I will make one on the big questions. I think Tony lives.
BO KNOWS I am probably about three years behind the rest of the world which makes sense since my son turned three this year, but I finally got around to seeing the SAW movies this week and even though I went in wanting to hate them I must confess they were very entertaining films. I was expecting a slasher film and was surprised. They are not as bloody as I thought and way more interesting than I anticipated.
BO KNOWS if you have kids you should go see Surf's Up. If you have to watch kids films anyways this one was pretty good. I thought it was better than Happy Feet or Shrek the Third.
BO KNOWS he is tired. The family was on vacation this week so we took a series of day trips. I have been to King's Island, Holiday World, and Kentucky Kingdom this week. And now I am off for three days at Transylvania University for a high school basketball camp. I am looking forward to a few days around the house next week, but I can't complain too much as I will only have 8 more weeks off after this one and BO KNOWS that is a good thing. Have a great week.
Awesome. Only you can go from the Saw movies to animated penguins in the same post. Where's the link to my shit?
Dude Kobe was so much cooler as number 8. See what rape does to a guy? I really dug the first Saw but I have a question about part 2. Why did the meathead cut off the number on the back of his neck? Couldn't he just say, "hey man, what's my number?" I'll have to check out Surf's Up seeing as how I too am submitted to children's theater. The Incredibles is still up there for me...that and Schindler's List
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